Sunday, 15 October 2017

29 Things That Are Too Damn Real For People Raised By Asian Parents


“If at first you don’t succeed, don’t come back home.”

Twitter: @EsaFung / Via Twitter: @EsaFung

Whereas other kids had cool posters on their bedroom walls, you had multiplication tables.

Whereas other kids had cool posters on their bedroom walls, you had multiplication tables.

Colematt / Getty Images

Twitter: @ivaayz / Via Twitter: @ivaayz

Twitter: @keileighhh / Via Twitter: @keileighhh

And you never left even a single grain of rice in your bowl. Ever.

And you never left even a single grain of rice in your bowl. Ever.

Madman Entertainment

Twitter: @jessicahduong / Via Twitter: @jessicahduong

Twitter: @ambr05e / Via Twitter: @ambr05e

And another drawer or plastic bag full of OTHER plastic bags. It's how plasticbagception all began.

@rubyraindrops / Via

@_yayasalleh / Via Twitter: @_yayasalleh

These household items will always be your worst nightmare.

These household items will always be your worst nightmare.

Getty Images

No trip to the supermarket was complete until your parents had knocked on every single fruit on display.

"If it doesn't sound hollow, that means there's a lot of juice."

Tumblr: chemical-misfire / Via

The original plastic wrapping stayed on everything, from the TV remote to the furniture.

The original plastic wrapping stayed on everything, from the TV remote to the furniture.

@ressacjane / Via

"Have you eaten yet?" was basically the substitute for "How are you?"

"Have you eaten yet?" was basically the substitute for "How are you?"

And whether you had or not, you'd always be fed more food.

Walt Disney Pictures

Twitter: @jylemanalo / Via Twitter: @jylemanalo

Twitter: @timetogohom_e / Via Twitter: @timetogohom_e

"Be more like other people" was basically your life motto.

"Be more like other people" was basically your life motto.


Twitter: echang2012 / Via Twitter: @echang2012

Twitter: @theintmyattie / Via Twitter: @theintmyattie

Twitter: @RusolR / Via Twitter: @RusolR

Twitter: @shipppy26 / Via Twitter: @shipppy26

Anything besides an A at school gave you a terrible feeling of dread.

Anything besides an A at school gave you a terrible feeling of dread.

A was for Average, B was for Bad, C was for Can't get food, D was for Don't come home.

20th Century Fox

Twitter: @BlueDiamond_331 / Via Twitter: @BlueDiamond_331

Twitter: @teynraz / Via Twitter: @teynraz

No one could beat you at the extracurricular activities game because you did it all.

No one could beat you at the extracurricular activities game because you did it all.

Piano, Kumon, violin, basketball, choir. Name it, and you've probably done it.

NBC Universal

Gifts were absolutely essential when visiting friends or family.

Gifts were absolutely essential when visiting friends or family.


Twitter: @MartinWongPhoto / Via Twitter: @MartinWongPhoto

Starving yourself for a whole day was a must before going to a buffet.

Starving yourself for a whole day was a must before going to a buffet.

And when you were there, prime rib and lobster were your best friends.

Studio Ghibli

You knew you were in serious trouble when your parents called you by your full name in their native tongue.

You knew you were in serious trouble when your parents called you by your full name in their native tongue.


And while your parents might not have said "I love you" or given you hugs and goodnight kisses, deep down, you knew they loved you more than anything in the world.

And while your parents might not have said "I love you" or given you hugs and goodnight kisses, deep down, you knew they loved you more than anything in the world.

And that's all that matters.

Walt Disney Pictures

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