Your colleague is a total mierenneuker. Trust me. / BuzzFeed / BuzzFeed / BuzzFeed / BuzzFeed
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Your colleague is a total mierenneuker. Trust me. / BuzzFeed / BuzzFeed / BuzzFeed / BuzzFeed
Crafting > clubbing.
What can you say, you just love interior design.
Channel 4
The Food Network
Well, eating.
They last you for life and you can use them to make CAKE.
Bookmark this for future use.
At least SOMEONE used the internet for good.
Nobody understands spotted dick.
This one's easy to explain: We enjoy the performance of moving our hands very fast between the two horrific streams of water. We call it "tap dancing", and if you can do it well it proves you are truly British.
What? It's just something soft and warm to put in your mouth.
"Fancy a big saucy banger, love, eh? Eh?"
For some reason Yorkshire pudding confuses the rest of the world. That's obviously their problem, not ours. / BuzzFeed
Where the hell are they? / Getty
“My eyeliner isn’t straight but neither is my sexuality so at least I’m consistent.”
“A crossover between Oedipus and King Midas would be pure motherfucking gold.”
Silke Knoop / Via
Facebook: dakotztdastexterherz
You guys know that LOL Jesus has been online for over 12 years now. Me, I am a Muslim, but I am different and more open-minded, than many, you will meet.
Some cultures need to grow a sense of humor. Mohammed and the Muslims are no exceptions.
If you cannot take having a little bit of fun poked at you be like Chef from South Park and laugh hysterically while everyone else makes fun of everyone’s religion, it’s funny.
Then it’s time to make fun of his own (Scientology), and he quits the show!
Don’t be lame; this is all and good fun!